Saturday, November 21, 2009

Spinning, Mitten, and Cupcakes

I spent a some time this afternoon spinning with some Spinner's Hill purple - corriedale, finn, rambouillet:

Trying for more of what the colors look like than the washed out flash. There's Portland Spinnerati tomorrow, so I'll finish up this bobbin and start on the second.

Portland Spinnerati's first anniversary meeting is tomorrow, so I'm bringing some Carrot Cupcakes with cream cheese frosting:

I thought the carrot cake recipe was kind of seasonal without going for the pumpkin option.

Thought I'd share the backside of the mitten, its cool how the strands do the opposite of what is on the front:

Brandon went to the Winter Bazaar that was at the Washington County Fairgrounds. They had vendors there and he saw the same one I got my spinning basket from and thought I needed one for knitting.


  1. very sweet of him to buy the basket for you :)

    PS those cupcakes were good and I don't even like carrot cake that much!

  2. Yes, it was sweet of him, and thanks!
