Sunday, December 9, 2012

Capture December, Day 9: What You're Reading

I read every day.  Most often its the way to shut my brain down so that I can sleep at night. This often works well, except for those nights when the book sucks me in and won't let me out until I'm falling asleep and the book bops me. ;-)

Here's my current stack from the library, it rained books!  I have four that I need to get done by the 18th, the top four in the stack:

The book that I'm currently reading and how far:
We've time traveled back to 1590, so pretty interesting
Before I read my relaxing book, I found myself actually reading pages from a cookbook! It's a local Portland author. I'll try using puff pastry more now and most likely for doing some pocket sandwiches for camping. Most tempted by the sweet ones, go figure!  Actually made me think its been a long time since I've made cream puffs and they are ridiculously simple to make. May have to make some for Christmas. Do a chocolate/whip cream/cream cheese and some liqueur - amaretto or irish cream?

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