Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Goodies I brought back from 12th Night

I had my gift Visa from my mom with me and was happy that I had some $$ to spend. The last big event - September Crown/Autumn War I could drool but not buy.

In particular was Thistle Hollow. She had a bunch of spinning fiber I haven't spun yet. If I had more money to spend I would have bought more of course. I settled for some Manx Loaghtan and got two bundles so I can have lots of fun playing with the fiber. It's a Rare Primitive Breed that has a dual purpose. Meat and fiber. The fiber is soft unlike some dual purpose sheep where the wool is more intended for outer wear. (Or for you non-fiber people, what you'd want to wear close to your skin, or not. lol)

I can't remember the name of the booth, but it was just a few down from them and they were selling various fiber related supplies for weaving, but had books for naalbinding too. I found a nice little bone shuttle/beater:
top, curved

Underside or bottom, flat.
It was a steal at only $6!

In between the two was a knife dealer. I've been long wanting a knife. People had been talking a bodice knife, but all the pictures for the various German ladies have them hanging off their belt along with their purse.
Like these:

Grendel makes lovely knives, but I can't afford him yet. So had to make do with something that is half handmade. I went back and forth between two bone knives and had Ignatius come and look and give his thoughts. After a little price discussion with the vendor, we agreed on a price. (His wife had quoted me $10 less than what he quoted, so we had to agree with her price before it came home with me.) It included the sheath and is very balanced, if not 'pretty':
In sheath, you can see where there's a cutout for it to be attached to something. I think a leather cord attached to my belt.

knife and sheath, the handle is antler

He did have a few Red Troll blades that he had added handles, this blade if you look closely comes from Sweden
Now to make the purse!  I have some leather sew aside to do this. 

I hadn't posted my Christmas gift from Brandon. He made me a period box loom that I can use for weaving trim, doing tablet weaving and most like a little inkle weaving. 

The little heddle I had picked up at our first An Tir - West War when I took the board weaving class and made my pouch. I think its a 12 dent heddle. He didn't have it handy to make for it, but its pretty close in size I think. You can see the holes that he drilled so that I can tie on to the posts.

I'm looking forward to learning how to use it! It also explains why I got the bone thread winder above. ;-)

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