Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fall things and other fibery goodness

I took a couple pictures of our pumpkins from our garden. They aren't big so won't be used for carving. I have thoughts of making pumpkin pie goodness from them, so pureeing will happen. The pumpkins:

The new maple tree is all glorious red too and probably getting ready to drop its leaves. The big maple with its burgundy leaves are starting to fall and the Asian pear has dropped half of its leaves already.

I took pictures of the niddy noddy in its current state and with Cobbler on board:

I need to still soak and whack Cobbler but I estimate that I have 243 yards of I think a fingering weight yarn. Cobbler is a Corriedale, dyed by Stitchjones.

I've been trading off an hour at a time with the three projects so have made progress on all of them that you can see in my progress bars on the side. Newest pics from this afternoon on the neckwarmer and scarf. Hat was taken this evening when I switched to white. Cool side note - Bobby Blue Falling Water Scarf was asked to be a photo sample in Ravelry for the project. It's always fun when you're asked to have your photos of your finished work asked to represent that pattern. ETA: then you go look and realize yours is pic #3 and that 278 other people have made this project, so wow!

The library has me swamped with books to read. Mostly I think they all fall under the 'fantasy' category but of course that would be a broad one. Devoured Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon. I thought she did an excellent job with his back story and giving an appropriate length for a being 11 thousand years old. Currently working my way through another series latest, Heart Fate by Robin D. Owens. Sometimes it seems like they just come in like a flood.

I need to get back to an author putting in a request to me. I really want to but I also would like to postpone, probably why I'm procrastinating replying to her. Bad Tami!

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