Friday, September 30, 2011

September Sample Knitting

Lorajean of Knitted Wit put out a call for sample knitting a while back ago and I put in my needles for the option. I love her colors and like helping out friends, especially when you get yarn or fiber in return. ;-)

We got a list of choices of projects to knit and I threw in for a baby sweater and thick yarn cowls. I am still recovering wrist wise from the mad knitting I did on my Dragon Stole. First came the yarn for the baby sweater. A nice seamless sweater with cute details. Lora Jean had an idea, I just had to make sure we were on the same page. As I had leftover yarn, I made up a little hat to go along and a small bit leftover. I had planned to try out a Baby Jane booties and was using the detail yarn when I thought I'd go ahead and try my luck with the small bit. I was extremely lucky and had just a few yards in the absolute end.  Nadine was kind enough to take them to OFFF so that Lorajean could have them up in the booth.
Sweater - I didn't have enough of the orange flowers, so alternated with red flowers

Newborn hat

Baby Jane booties

The full sew. I put them on a hangar and sewed loops for the hat and booties to keep them all a set and not wander off during the event.
These were knit with her Cypress Hollow Yarn a nice bouncy Rambouillet handspun like yarn in Sport Weight.

The other project was the Cowl by Debbi Stone - Faye in Lace. It was very reminiscent for me of the Mystery KAL socks I did last month. So it was a very easy knit up. I did the large size and its long enough that it can be kind of a coat scarf and do either two or three loops to be a cowl of varying closeness. The yarn is a lovely DK in polworth and silk:

I really do hate having my picture taken.....I think Brandon was saying something pithy, thus was getting 'the look'.

Three loops of softness

Two loops, kind of casual, imagine with a jacket

Knotted scarf like (maybe I should wear scarfs more often?)
Lorajean I think is off to California for another show so her Etsy store is currently down. If you haven't tried Knitted Wit, you're truly missing out on lovely colors and yarns/fibers!

1 comment:

  1. I saw your samples at OFFF; the baby sweater is especially cute! Looks like you had a fun weekend, even without us...
