Thursday, September 2, 2010

Things done.....

I finally got the snood done, but not in time for DMDT. Darn it. It was too hard to try to knit there with Leeloo usually attached to me or busy doing something that kept my hands busy.

It's a little short, but I was running out of yarn and currently don't have a lot of hair to stuff up into it. I have another pattern planned to try out in a black.

I bought a cool little basket that I can use to 'shop' with while at events, or a single project basket. I've lined it with the goody bag from the WWKiP 2009 event:

I was able to be a test knitter for an 'arming cap'. What you would wear under a helm, to kind of soak up sweat and maybe offer a little cushioning?  Here's Brandon modeling it, but his head really is too big for it:

Speaking of my DH, he's made a few lucet's and had fun playing with it while we were camping. I had him use one of my first spindle spun yarns:

Does anyone know what kind of bird goes with this feather? It's clearly not a blue or stellar jay that are often in the backyard:

I finally finished the pouch woven in the round that I started at An Tir - West War. I have the button on and I even used the board to make some panels to sew on the back so I can slide it on a belt:

It's the perfect size to carry my wallet and cell phone while at events. I have more plans for weaving projects using the board. Just need to get the board and then have Brandon cut them out for me. I have other wood worked projects in my head and hope to get some of them out and sampled this weekend. 

We plan to stay home Labor Day weekend and get some projects done around the house. What are your holiday weekend plans? Getting kids ready to start school, if they haven't already?

Today was a day of lots of ideas coming into thought, trying to corral them, and act on those that I could and make sure I made note of those for future plans. So while a lot got done in one way, I don't have a lot of physical things to show for it. Have days like that? You know you did a lot, but if you had to quantify it for someone else, they'd still think you were just sitting on your butt all day in front of the computer. Hey! Don't they call those people writers? ;-)


  1. I was just telling you that I had a day like that. Where I couldn't concentrate on anything, because I wanted to do everything!

    Your feather is from a Red Shafted Flicker:)
