So Brandon and I took advantage of the overcast skies this weekend to get some serious weeding done in the backyard. The previous days of such weather had caused an overgrowth in grass and other weeds since the last time through and areas that didn't get hit the first time were really lush with the pesky buggers.
One problem we also have is the hazelnut (filbert) orchard behind us. It has rampant blackberry vines trying to encroach upon our property and we have to keep hacking them back. We have maybe another year before this is no longer a problem and they start building monstrosities behind us in the forms of those two store housing developments they are fond of creating. (side note: must get better paying job so we can afford to buy a minimum of two acres with neighbors at least that far away.)
There's one section under one of the apple trees that did not receive some attention. It also is housing a HUGE rhubarb that Brandon says he needs to cut back. It's his plant to play with so I don't ask. I just make it into a pie with strawberries or raspberries. We also may have lost the apricot. It just has not done well in the two years that it has been in. We'll give it another year to see if it can rebound but don't have high hopes for it.
I let Brandon do what he's been wanting to do for the last six years, rip out the roses and not relocate them anywhere in the yard. I still have some roses, wild ones in the front yard. The ones in the back were in a bad place where I couldn't see them and so were neglected. Easier to just have him clean the area out and we'll figure out something else to do with that spot.
I finished another book, Embrace the Night, this weekend and started another that I've had in my 'to be read' pile for at least six months since it has a 2007 publishing date. I have a few coming from the library but hope to get some more reading in. Still need to read those pesky dog books - after school gets out.
Knitting - I made a new black scalloped choker necklace and this version came out perfectly following the directions. It helped that I had my uber bright light shining down over my shoulder to see all the stitches clearly. I worked on it while watching movies from the library - Catch & Release I think. I worked more on the fingerless gloves but have hit the stumbling block again with the pattern directions. I was watching Georgia Rule while working on those.
We watched Beowulf as a family Sunday night and the only project that I had going was my Peace of Mind shawl and I didn't want to worry about losing count of stitches with it.
I need to pick up some pink yarn tomorrow early, so I can try to whip out a Breast Cancer Awareness scarf I found on Ravelry. Think I can have it done either by Thursday or Friday night? I have a couple hours of possible knitting time for sure Wednesday night for the Track Banquet.
School - there's only 7.5 more days left. I'm not working on Friday, so that leaves me 6 working days left of the school year. I'm not sure I want to sub next year.
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