Monday, August 3, 2009

Fair results & other

A change for me happened this weekend. After thought and several conversations I've decided to no longer work at the yarn store I'd been working at since late April. We just weren't a good fit for each other.

I did a massage today and I think I'm ready to actively pursue that career again, I've missed doing bodywork. I'm going to also be putting my application into another company, so things will happen. I have also picked up a commission for a store sample for another yarn store in the area and will try to obtain others. Good things happening!

I picked up the entries from the county fair. I received as Brandon put it a trifecta - 1st, 2nd and 3rd place ribbons. They also pay for winning too, which surprised me. So I also won a total of $6, or a $1 more than the parking we had to pay for to get in to see the fair (fair entry is free).

Pics of the winners:

I had a Ravelry member contact me last week about a yarn I had in my 'trade/sell' area. A KnitPicks lace yarn. She's working on a shawl and one skein short and I had it as a suggested trade for another yarn I had also bought at the same time. We shipped off and both have received our trades. We must have both bought the pairs at the same time because miracles happened - they're the same dye lots. How cool is that?
I now have enough that I can make a pretty shawl out of these. I have plenty of shawl patterns in my queue to pick from!

I preparation for this week's Sock Summit, I ordered some 'free' business cards to hand out if people want to contact me for any purpose (other than sales). I paid a little extra for the faster shipping and was surprised to have them arrive in the mail over the weekend.

A few weeks ago a few of us answered the online quiz for what type of sheep you are for a new book coming out "The Knitter's Book of Wool" most of us came out Shropshire or Finn. After spinning Finn I wish I had kept that as my results. ;-)
They ship you a free button if you ask them to:

I doubt I'll get a chance to do more posts this week. I'm busy getting things wrapped up and ready for Sock Summit. I'm busy Wednesday through Sunday with either classes or volunteering in different positions. I can say that I get to be an aide for Anne Hanson and Lucy Neatby - very cool! I'm taking my camera and taking as many photos as possible.


  1. Congratulations on your trifecta! The bunny is especially cute. See you at Sock Summit!

  2. Congrats on your Fair Prizes. Your fair admission and prize money sounds much like our county fair. You won't get rich but it's still fun to bring home a ribbon or three. Have a fun week.

  3. Thanks Michele - I will have figs for you!

    Linda - I heard lots of comments about the need for new textile judges. My scarf that had a lace design should have gotten something, but lost out to 6feet+stockinette scarfs with nothing outstanding about them. Should I mention the socks that are a really vanilla sock with a six inch k2,p2 rib and the only thing that makes them 'unique' is that they used the $20 Fortissima 1776 yarn that automatically does fair isle that one 2nd place? Then there were the socks that looked like they had been worn for a couple of years and gone through the washer & dryer that also one a ribbon. Next year, totally entering more. ;-)
