Thursday, May 1, 2008

Which Alan Rickman character are you? & some knitting

How funny! Brandon answered the quiz and he is 'Colonel Brandon'

Which of the illustrious Alan Rickman's characters are you?

You are Colonel Brandon from the movie 'Sense and Sensibility'. You wear funny clothes 'cause you live in the Victorian times, but that doesn't stop you from looking sexy. You own a large estate, can ride horses, appreciate music, and your daughter is a big ho. You cool, man.
Take this quiz!

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Meh - me? I'm 'Baby Alan,' the younger version of the 'real' Alan.

I'm working on that long stretch of the instep before the toes. Okay, my foot isn't that long but those last two inches can seem to be forever. Then of course it will be on to the second sock.

Yesterday a box was delivered from Knit Picks. A couple sets of dpns in the Harmony line and two sets of samplers. The Renaissance and Victorian summer yarns. You get 6 skeins of yarn in each sampler plus 5 patterns designed to make use of said yarn. I must have been tempted by their patterns, or was thinking of it as a practical 'one skein wonder' deal. I'll get to try out some yarn, mostly cotton that won't start out as dish cloths. Hopefully I can find another use for the scraps other than dish cloths too. ;^) The box came rather quickly. I think within the 5 days.

The drawback to the box is that it will cause a longer queue and items near the top will be bumped lower....the evil temptations of yarn.....

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