Monday, April 23, 2012

3KCBWDAY1 Colour or Color

Another year has gone by and it is once again the Knitting and Crocheting blog week. I try to blog at least once a week, but sometimes life and the ability to get good pictures slows me down. This comes in spring, so a little easier to get pictures, but still helps inspire posts!

We are finally having a few days of sunshine and while I don't enjoy the bright light, it can trigger migraines, I do try to get outside and soak up a few minutes of natural Vitamin D and take pictures. I grabbed up three finished projects and Brandon took pics for me. I think though that I'll wait until after this week to share them.

Today the suggested topic is about color, what predominant color is in your stash and projects page?

Looking through, I noticed that I'm definitely in the jewel tone range rather than the pastel range. Give me a good saturated color and I'm happy. I'm trying to figure out if I have more than any of one color and the closest I can come is I might have more blues?

I lost a server with all of my photos at the end of last year, so only have easily accessible photos for this year. Take a peak in my Ravelry stash and projects. What do you think is my most predominant color?

The funny thing is that I really don't care for pink, but somehow end up having a lot of it and knitting or spinning with it. I can sometimes get around the pinkness with a bit of Kool-Aid help:

I didn't buy this pink yarn. Rachel did. She didn't like it, so she tried giving it away at the WWSiP event. I scooped it up and saved it to make her something. I decided on the Summer Flies shawl. Then over-dyed it with Kool-Aid and Wilton's Cake dye.  She liked it, especially when I called it Trtlgrl green.
This wasn't pink, but it too benefited from being over-dyed with some green.
The pink was a birthday gift from my mother. I had used part of it and as you can see ran out. So I used some previously pink Lion Brand Sock-Ease to finish up the pair.

Then over-dyed with some Tropical Punch and Black Cherry Kool-Aid. Like them much more now.

I had over-dyed the yarn and then knit with it and as you can see, not all of the yarn was actually dyed. So why using the leftovers to do the above socks and then over-dyeing again got it all covered. I've since over-dyed this pair again and all the pink is definitely gone.

All other pink that I've knit with is because I've been asked to for samples or because I have little girls in the family and they seem to like pink. ;-)

This month I'm spinning some Stitchjones Merino/Tencel in a color called Quince Blossom that is a pale pink that I willingly bought, but liked how it looked when I bought it. Then with the cherry blossoms in bloom it just seemed to call SPRING so opted to make it my spinning project for the month. My Bleeding Heart is in bloom and I had knit a pink project and the sun was shining so I did a color photo:
Do you find lots of one color in your stash? Is it your favorite color or is it because you're knitting for others?

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