Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday night quickie

I used to do Scout training with Sue when we were both I was involved with the Boy Scouts. I was pleasantly surprised to stumble across Sue in Ravelry and have been following her since. I really do need to go to Forest Grove one month for her knit night at the Grand Lodge.

Sue is also a quilter, (I have a few that I need to sew up, so I read her blog to get inspired) and has a lavender farm. She's doing a lavender bundle giveaway to those in the United States. Go check out her blog and if you'd like some lovely lavender sent your way possibly, enter to win.

I plan to do a regular blog post tomorrow, but wanted to get this out to as many friends as possible. Love the lavender!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there- thanks for posting about the lavender giveaway. The crop is aaallllmost ready to start harvesting.

    I was going to send you an email, but you're a "no reply" blogger. I'll look you up on rav- I think you're in my friends.

    Wish I had time to come and knit with you guys but I'm totally swamped right now.

    I'm still in Scouting- not as much, but still hanging in there.

    Sandy will be helping me at the Orenco farmers' market on Sundays starting in a few weeks. Stop by and see us!
