Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I have Socks!

It was such a Monday morning! I got out of the house late, found that they were starting roadwork just around the corner, but I needed to get gas so couldn't turn around and go another way. After getting some gas, ran through another roadwork area and then realized that not only did I leave my cell phone at home, but I also left my book at home. I did have my knitting, but there wasn't going to be enough to get me through the whole day.

So I re-planned my route to work via the closest place I stood a chance of finding a decent paperback - Albertson's. I also snagged a box lunch so I didn't have to go the school lunch way that I tried yesterday. I arrived to work 8 minutes late, then stood waiting for the lady to get off the phone so that I could pick up my key. Someone else had my key though. Sigh. So I'm arriving in the office - it's on the opposite most distant corner away from the main office - 15 minutes late.

Thankfully it was not terribly busy. In fact, I was able to sit down with my coffee and immediately start reading Cheyenne McCray's "Shadow Magic". I made good progress into that book before switching over to my sock.

I just had an inch or so of instep rounds to do before switching to the toe rounds. I was done with those by 3pm and got out my print out on how to do the kitchener stitch. More for moral support. I did have to put the sock down to have the two kids left at the end of the day out of the room. Then it was on to those last 11 stitches. Once again nicely done work and just in time for the school bell to ring. Clean everything up check around the room and on to home.

I have enough from both skeins of Felici Hummingbird that I'm sure that I can get a pair of Wyverns out of them. I probably could have done both socks from one skein but I didn't want to take the chance of running out.

I'm not sure if I'll go to the last opportunity for a parent conference at the school or not tonight. Will has straight A's again so I'm not really sure what the point would be, except to confirm that they are high and not borderline. I might see if I can get Brandon out with me to either JoAnn's or Home Depot for the spindle supplies. I have had a migraine though for the last couple of days, so it will depend on where it's letting me go.

Last night Brandon got a call from his cousin Kyle. It's Jenna's first birthday in a few weeks and so we are invited to that, but they also needed to use our Hillsboro address for the park they wanted to reserve the covered area for at Rood Bridge Park. This means I need to come up with a gift for her and so I'm thinking the the sock lamb and may be the booties or take my leftover Premiere and make the Candy Cane hat. I was kind of hoping to stay in the sock flow and use up the rest of my Hummingbird on another pair of socks. Nice toe up socks that will make it easier to use up the started skeins....

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